About TSA

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The Technology Student Association is an American student organization with over 250,000 members whose mission is to promote the science, technology, and mathematics (STEM) interest of its members. TSA Ostwald is one of the few foreign delegations that participates in high school disciplines.

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Speaker at National Conference

Members of the TSA work all year round on projects that are closely related to topics such as natural sciences, computer science, technology, but also communication and creativity. The goal is to participate in the"National Conference", which is held annually in a large city in the eastern part of the United States, where the best entries in each category are honored. Particularly worth mentioning is the cultural and scientific exchange between the participants.

But TSA is much more than just a competition: The members organize themselves almost independently and form TSA to an organization, which promotes social competence and community feeling. There are a variety of ways TSA can develop you into a leader, at regional, state and national levels. Last but not least, TSA offers the unique opportunity to build friendships and learn from each other beyond state and national borders.

Finals at Germany TSA

TSA is probably the best preparation for students for their future careers in technological jobs. Participants gain practical knowledge and the ability to organize themselves, work in a team and react to challenges and problems that occur.


TSA's motto is "Learning To Lead In A Technical World". It refers to the mission of the TSA to teach students knowledge, skills and leadership competencies through autonomous project work. This should prepare them for a successful career in an industrialized, globalized and technologized world.


Our work

To become part of our team, interested students from grade 9 onwards work on so-called entry projects at the beginning of each school year on topics that are very similar to TSA competitive events. In the first sessions, they then present them to the members to introduce themselves, their talents and interests and to qualify for our chapter. After that, all old and new members split up into individual teams and work on various projects throughout the year. We deal with a variety of topics with annually changing tasks and thus always new challenges. Just in time for Christmas, we present our sponsors and alumni the intermediate results and collect valuable criticism. With the Final Presentations, the final project statuses are presented and the officers decide who will be honored to fly to the United States as part of our National Conference team.


The TSA is led and organized by students. Particularly committed students are elected as officers and are then responsible for fulfilling defined organisational duties. The teachers are called advisors and advise officers and members, thus contributing their experience.



school level


US state with their unions and international contestants


Contestants from the U.S. and the whole world

The Officers

Member Portrait

The President leads meetings, organizes the process, has a motivating effect and is responsible for good communication within the team.

Participant PictureBela Tollkien
Member Portrait
Vice President

The Vice-President organizes the process and supports the President.

Participant PicturePhillip Leutloff
Member Portrait

The Secretary is the Recording Secretary and advises the President and Vice President.

Participant PictureAlek Vettermann
Member Portrait

The reporter is responsible for press and public relations.

Participant PictureErik Andreß
Member Portrait

The Treasurer is responsible for coordinating sponsor acquisitions and assumes financial responsibilities. In addition, he/she manages the membership lists.

Member Portrait
Sergeant at Arms

The Seargent-at-Arms plans meetings, represents the chapter, and assists the President and Vice President.

The National Conference

At the beginning of the summer, the approximately 8,000 best students from 49 u.s. states, Turkey, Japan and of course Germany meet every year to contest each other in over 60 competitions. The conference lasts about 5 days with 4 General Sessions. After the opening event, a Kick-off will take place. Participants can meet in a grand hall and exchange pins and are able to get to know each other. After the various projects have been submitted, the jury will evaluate the teams and publish a list of the first 12 places with anonymized numbers. The semi-final has been reached. Depending on the project, the teams now have to face a 5-minute interview or prepare a 15-minute presentation. In the closing ceremony, the first 3 teams will be honored with a trophy. As it is a long journey especially for us, some free time should not be missing. Here is a video of our last trip: